Please note that certain exercises and projects on this site flash and jitter, which may be detrimental to some photosensitive viewers. Where necessary I will leave three asterisks (***) at the start of the statement text to mark them.

{Project 1}

Press on the link below to see my first project- a drawing program for building layers of forest growth and decomposition. It also contains documentation of my first two exercies (Exercise 1 and Exercise 2). Thank you!
Go to Project 1

{Project 2}

Press on the link below to see my second project- an animation built using a parametric equation algorithm (link to original algorithm in page). It also contains documentation of my third and fourth exercies (Exercise 2 and Exercise 3). Thank you!
Go to Project 2

{Project 3}

Press on the link below to see my third project- an animated pair of clock self portraits. It also contains documentation of my fifth exercise (Exercise 5). Thank you!
Go to Project 3

{Project 4}

Press on the link below to see my fourth project- a literal Patient Portal interface. It also contains documentation of my sixth exercise (Exercise 6). Thank you!
Go to Project 4